Week 7: Critique

This week we will be meeting individually to look over your progress and ensure you're on the right track.  You should have all of your images from the entire course saved on your phone, or uploaded to your blog. You should also have all the images of your inspirational artists, as well as all of your research, and notes.

Critiquing artwork is kind of a strange exercise in this day and age. Mainly because everyone is coming in with different intentions, different interests, and different skillsets. I think the most important thing during a critique is just to be honest with yourself. Take a look at some of your inspirational artists, and then look at your work. Take note of where they are doing things more effectively, and come to terms with what you need to do in order to get to their level.

Since we have just been working on technical aspects of painting, we will also be critiquing these aspects as well. I'm not going to get too hung up on things like concept or your ability to talk about the work. I just want to see what you're doing, where you want to go, and hear about where you think you're at. These are informal meetings but you should come prepared with all of your images ready to go. Due to the number of students in the class, I can only allot so much time to each person, so it's best used in looking and talking rather than having you stumble around trying to find some image on your phone.